Idealcombi Futura+ handles
Idealcombi Futura+ trickle vents
Idealcombi Futura+ ironmongery
Mushroom bolts and keeps are standard on all windows and doors.
TurnPlus and handle operated brakes are standard where possible.
Idealcombi Futura+ motorised opening
Electric motors for automatic window opening from WindowMaster are available upon request.
The WindowMaster motors can be connected to control panels for automatic ventilation etc.
Ask for more details
Futura+ handle operations
When the handle is opened to 90° the window can be opened fully.
When the handle is opened past 90° the TurnPlus function is activated allowing for ventilation .
Handle operated brake
The handle operated brake can be activated in any position to hold the window or patio door open. (Do not leave the door open unsupervised or in windy conditions )
Idealcombi Futura+ opening restrictor
The opening restrictor is an optionally extra, that limits the opening of Futura+ windows.
Locking cylinder
The Futura+ locking cylinder for Futura+ windows and patio doors are an optional extra.